nginx for Windows

Known issues
Possible future enhancements

Version of nginx for Windows uses the native Win32 API (not the Cygwin emulation layer). Only the select() connection processing method is currently used, so high performance and scalability should not be expected. Due to this and some other known issues version of nginx for Windows is considered to be a beta version. At this time, it provides almost the same functionality as a UNIX version of nginx except for XSLT filter, image filter, GeoIP module, and embedded Perl language.

To install nginx/Windows, download the latest mainline version distribution (1.11.8), since the mainline branch of nginx contains all known fixes. Then unpack the distribution, go to the nginx-1.11.8 directory, and run nginx. Here is an example for the drive C: root directory:

cd c:\
cd nginx-1.11.8
start nginx

Run the tasklist command-line utility to see nginx processes:

C:\nginx-1.11.8>tasklist /fi "imagename eq nginx.exe"

Image Name           PID Session Name     Session#    Mem Usage
=============== ======== ============== ========== ============
nginx.exe            652 Console                 0      2 780 K
nginx.exe           1332 Console                 0      3 112 K

One of the processes is the master process and another is the worker process. If nginx does not start, look for the reason in the error log file logs\error.log. If the log file has not been created, the reason for this should be reported in the Windows Event Log. If an error page is displayed instead of the expected page, also look for the reason in the logs\error.log file.

nginx/Windows uses the directory where it has been run as the prefix for relative paths in the configuration. In the example above, the prefix is C:\nginx-1.11.8\. Paths in a configuration file must be specified in UNIX-style using forward slashes:

access_log   logs/site.log;
root         C:/web/html;

nginx/Windows runs as a standard console application (not a service), and it can be managed using the following commands:

nginx -s stop fast shutdown
nginx -s quit graceful shutdown
nginx -s reload changing configuration, starting new worker processes with a new configuration, graceful shutdown of old worker processes
nginx -s reopen re-opening log files

Known issues

Possible future enhancements