This chapter describes how to use NGINX Plus and NGINX Open Source to proxy and load balance TCP and UDP traffic.

Table of Contents


Load balancing refers to efficiently distributing network traffic across multiple backend servers.

In Release 5 and later, NGINX can proxy and load balance TCP traffic. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is the protocol for many popular applications and services, such as LDAP, MySQL, and RTMP.

In Release 9 and later, NGINX can proxy and load balance UDP traffic. UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is the protocol for many popular nontransactional applications, such as DNS, syslog, and RADIUS.

To load balance HTTP traffic, refer to the HTTP Load Balancing article.


Configuring Reverse Proxying

First, you will need to configure reverse proxying so that NGINX can forward TCP connections or UDP datagrams from clients to an upstream group or a proxied server.

Open the NGINX configuration file and perform the following steps:

  1. Create a top-level stream {} block:

    stream {
  2. Define one or more server {} configuration blocks for each virtual server in the top-level stream {} context.
  3. Within the server {} configuration block for each server, include the listen directive to define the IP address and/or port on which the server listens. For UDP traffic, also include the udp parameter. TCP is the default protocol for the stream context, so there is no tcp parameter to the listen directive:

    stream {
        server {
            listen 12345;
        server {
            listen 53 udp;
  4. Include the proxy_pass directive to define the proxied server or an upstream group to which the server forwards traffic:

    stream {
        server {
            listen     12345;
            #TCP traffic will be proxied to the "stream_backend" upstream group
            proxy_pass stream_backend;
        server {
            listen     12346;
            #TCP traffic will be proxied a proxied server
        server {
            listen     53 udp;
            #UDP traffic will be proxied to the "dns_servers" upstream group
            proxy_pass dns_servers;
  5. Optionally, if your proxy server has several network interfaces, you can configure NGINX to choose a source IP address for connecting to an upstream server. This may be useful if a proxied server behind NGINX is configured to accept connections from particular IP networks or IP address ranges.

    Specify the proxy_bind directive and the IP address of the necessary network interface:

    stream {
        server {
  6. Optionally, you can tune the size of two in-memory buffers where NGINX can put data from both the client and upstream connections. If there is a small volume of data, the buffers can be reduced which may save memory resources. If there is a large volume of data, the buffer size can be increased to reduce the number of socket read/write operations. As soon as data is received on one connection, NGINX reads it and forwards it over the other connection. The buffers are controlled with the proxy_buffer_size directive:

    stream {
        server {
            listen  ;
            proxy_buffer_size 16k;

Configuring TCP or UDP Load Balancing

To configure load balancing:

  1. Create a group of servers, or an upstream group whose traffic will be load balanced. Define one or more upstream {} configuration blocks in the top-level stream {} context and set the name for the upstream group, for example, stream_backend for TCP servers and dns_servers for UDP servers:
    stream {
        upstream stream_backend {
        upstream dns_servers {

    Make sure that the name of the upstream group is referenced in the proxy_pass directive configured earlier.

  2. Populate the upstream group with upstream servers. Within the upstream {} block, add a server directive for each upstream server, specifying its IP address or hostname (which can resolve to multiple IP addresses) and an obligatory port number. Note that you do not define the protocol for each server, because that is defined for the entire upstream group by the parameter you include on the listen directive in the server block, which you have created earlier.

    stream {
        upstream stream_backend {
        upstream dns_servers {
  3. Configure a load balancing method used by the upstream group. You can specify one of the following methods:

  4. Optionally, for each upstream server specify server-specific parameters including maximum number of connections, server weight, and so on:

    upstream stream_backend {
        hash   $remote_addr consistent;
        server weight=5;
        server max_conns=3;
        upstream dns_servers {

An alternative approach is to proxy traffic to a single server instead of an upstream group. If you identify the server by hostname, and configure the hostname to resolve to multiple IP addresses, then NGINX load balances traffic across the IP addresses using the round-robin algorithm. In this case, you must specify the server’s port number in the proxy_pass directive and must not specify the protocol before IP address or hostname:

stream {
    server {
        listen     12345;

Passive Health Monitoring

If an attempt to connect to an upstream server times out or results in an error, NGINX Open Source or NGINX Plus can mark the server as unavailable and stop sending requests to it for a defined amount of time. To define the conditions under which NGINX considers an upstream server unavailable, include the following parameters to the server directive

The default values are 10 seconds and 1 attempt. So if a connection attempt times out or fails at least once in a 10-second period, NGINX marks the server as unavailable for 10 seconds. The example shows how to set these parameters to 2 failures within 30 seconds:

upstream stream_backend {
    server weight=5;
    server max_fails=2 fail_timeout=30s;
    server max_conns=3;

Active Health Monitoring

Health checks can be configured to test a wide range of failure types. For example, NGINX Plus can continually test upstream servers for responsiveness and avoid servers that have failed.

How It Works

NGINX Plus sends special health-check requests to each upstream server and checks for a response that satisfies certain conditions. If a connection to the server cannot be established, the health check fails, and the server is considered unhealthy. NGINX Plus does not proxy client connections to unhealthy servers. If several health checks are defined for a group of servers, the failure of any one check is enough for the corresponding server be considered unhealthy.


Basic Configuration

  1. Specify a shared memory zone – a special area where the NGINX Plus worker processes share state information about counters and connections. Add the zone directive to the upstream server group and specify the zone name and the amount of memory:

    stream {
        upstream stream_backend {
            zone   stream_backend 64k; 
  2. Enable health checks for servers in the upstream group. Add the health_check and health_check_timeout directives to the server that proxies connections to the upstream group:

    server {
        listen        12345;
        proxy_pass    stream_backend;
        health_check_timeout 5s;

    The health_check directive enables the health check functionality, while health_check_timeout overrides the proxy_timeout value for health checks, as for health checks this timeout needs to be significantly shorter.

    To enable health checks for UDP traffic, in the health_check directive specify the udp parameter that enables health checks for UDP, and the match= parameter with a name of a corresponding match block that contains tests for verifying server responses (see Fine-Tuning UDP Health Checks):

    server {
        listen       5053;
        proxy_pass   dns_servers;
        health_check udp match=dns;
        health_check_timeout 5s;

Fine-Tuning Health Checks

By default, NGINX Plus tries to connect to each server in an upstream server group every 5 seconds. If the connection cannot be established, NGINX Plus considers the health check failed, marks the server as unhealthy, and stops forwarding client connections to the server.

To change the default behavior, include parameters to the health_check directive:

server {
    listen       12345;
    proxy_pass   stream_backend;
    health_check interval=10 passes=2 fails=3;

In the example, the time between TCP health checks is increased to 10 seconds, the server is considered unhealthy after 3 consecutive failed health checks, and the server needs to pass 2 consecutive checks to be considered healthy again.

By default, NGINX Plus sends health check messages to the port specified by the server directive in the upstream block. You can specify another port for health checks, which is particularly helpful when monitoring the health of many services on the same host. To override the port, specify the port parameter of the health_check directive:

server {
    listen       12345;
    proxy_pass   stream_backend;
    health_check port=8080;

Fine-Tuning Health Checks with the match Configuration Block

You can verify server responses to health checks by configuring a number of tests. These tests are defined with the match {} configuration block placed in the stream {} context. Specify the match {} block and set its name, for example, tcp_test:

stream {
    match  tcp_test {

Then refer to the block from the health_check directive by including the match parameter and the name of the match block:

stream {
    server {
        listen       12345;
        health_check match=tcp_test;
        proxy_pass   stream_backend;

The conditions or tests under which a health check succeeds are set with send and expect parameters:

These parameters can be used in different combinations, but no more than one send and one expect parameter can be specified at a time. The parameters configuration also depends on the protocol used (TCP or UDP).

Fine-Tuning TCP Health Checks

To fine-tune health checks for TCP, you can combine send and expect parameters as follows:

Fine-Tuning UDP Health Checks

To fine-tune health checks for UDP, you should specify both send and expect parameters:

Example for NTP:

match ntp {
   send \xe3\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00;
   expect ~* \x24;

Example for DNS:

match dns {
   send \x00\x2a\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03\x73\x74\x6c\x04\x75\x6d\x73\x6c\x03\x65\x64\x75\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01;
   expect ~* "";

On-the-Fly Configuration

Upstream server groups can be easily reconfigured on-the-fly using a simple HTTP interface. Using this interface, you can view all servers in an upstream group or a particular server, modify server parameters, and add or remove upstream servers.

To enable on-the-fly configuration:

  1. Create the top-level http {} block or make sure it is present in your configuration:

    http {
  2. Create a location for configuration requests, for example, upstream_conf:

    http {
        server {
            location /upstream_conf {
  3. In this location specify the upstream_conf directive – a special handler that can be used to inspect and reconfigure upstream groups in NGINX Plus:

    http {
        server {
            location /upstream_conf {
  4. Limit access to this location with allow and deny directives:

    http {
        server {
            location /upstream_conf {
                allow; # permit access from localhost
                deny  all;       # deny access from everywhere else
  5. Create a shared memory zone for the group of upstream servers so that all worker processes can use the same configuration. To do this, in the top-level stream {} block, find the target upsteam group, add the zone directive to the upstream server group and specify the zone name and the amount of memory:

    stream {
        upstream stream_backend {
            zone backend 64k;

On-the-Fly Configuration Example

stream {
    # Configuration of an upstream server group
    upstream appservers {
        zone appservers 64k;

        server weight=5;
        server fail_timeout=5s;

        server backup;
        server backup;

    server {
        # Server that proxies connections to the upstream group
        proxy_pass appservers;

http {
    server {
        # Location for configuration requests
        location /upstream_conf {
            deny  all;

Here, access to the location is allowed only from the address. Access from all other IP addresses is denied.

To pass a configuration command to NGINX, send an HTTP request by any method. The request must have an appropriate URI to get into the location that includes the upstream_conf directive. The request must include the upstream argument set to the name of the server group.

For example, to view all backup servers (indicated by the backup argument) in the server group, send:

To add a new server to the server group, send a request with add and server arguments:

To remove a server from the server group, send a request with the remove argument and the id argument identifying the server:

To modify a parameter for a specific server, send a request with the id argument identifying the server and the name of the parameter:

Example of TCP and UDP Load Balancing Configuration

This is a configuration example of TCP and UDP load balancing with NGINX:

stream {
        upstream stream_backend {
            server weight=5;
            server max_fails=2 fail_timeout=30s;
            server max_conns=3;

        upstream dns_servers {

        server {
            listen        12345;
            proxy_pass    backend;
            proxy_timeout 3s;
            proxy_connect_timeout 1s;


        server {
            listen     53 udp;
            proxy_pass dns_servers; 

        server {
            listen     12346;